Tip Your Librarian

Meghan the SuperLibrarian

The public library up the street from The Old Lady’s shelter-in-place place closed during the pandemic panic and has only recently reopened to offer curbside pickup.

An item The Old Lady had placed on hold came in and she was notified automatically, by text message.

But when she went outside to crank up the truck, the truck would not crank.

She checked online for the library hours… open until 7 p.m. today, it said, and it was only 4… so she waited a bit until one of her quarantine companions could give her a ride.

When the got there at 5:15 they parked in the lot and The Old Lady called The Librarian by phone to let her know they were outside.

“Oh, we closed at 5 today, I just dragged in the cart, give me a minute and I’ll take it back outside,” said The Librarian.

The Old Lady protested, even though she badly wanted the item (a DVD of the movie Hugo) and said she would come back the next day.

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But The Librarian is unstinting in her dedication to serving her clients!

She dragged the cart outside while properly masked and gloved. Following the new protocols The Old Lady waited in the car until The Librarian went back inside. Then she got out (also wearing her mask), put her library card in the cart, and returned to the car. The Librarian came out for the card and went back inside for the DVD.

A moment later The Old Lady’s phone rang. It was The Librarian, offering her free craft bags for kids, and it happens that the shelter-in-place place owner has grandchildren.

The Old Lady wanted to express her gratitude for The Librarian’s willingness to serve even outside business hours.

“You know, we tip servers in restaurants and taxi drivers,” said The Old Lady, “we should tip our librarians!”

“You know what would be the best tip?” replied The Librarian. “Keep on using the library, and tell everybody you know how wonderful the library is!”

LISTEN to The Librarian!

2 thoughts on “Tip Your Librarian

  1. *huge smile* It’s my pleasure to serve! I hope you enjoy your movie, and the kids their craft bags!

  2. It’s true, our librarians Rock! After several years without even a library card, I have rediscovered our local library. –And what a fun, enJOYable re-discovery. Besides being knowledgeable in directing me to materials that suit my interests, our librarians are creative in using all their resources in developing hands-on activities and events for children and adults, attuning to our local needs and interests. Now with this need for social distancing our librarians are working extra hard to support a creative, safe environment in which our community can continue to grow, not only in the vast range of knowledge, but especially to feel connected and rooted in the life of our local community.

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