Monthly Archives: May 2022

Al Go Rithm

The Old Lady enjoyed a spectacular total lunar eclipse Sunday night, and Monday morning was astounded at how many people never even knew it was happening.
How did The Old Lady know?
She Googles sky events, a lot. The algorithm on her device learned that sky events interest her, so it puts those stories in her news feed.
Every time you click you teach your own personal algorithm what interests you and therefore that is what it will show you, whether it’s vegetarian recipes or the latest poop on the Johnny Depp trial (sorry, I could not resist).
So is Al Go Rithm an angel, or a devil?
You click, you decide.
LISTEN to The Old Lady!

A Different Perspective

In my spiritual tradition the sacramental elements offered during the liturgy of Communion, the bread and wine, may be perceived as symbolic cannibalism;
But that perception could be extended to everything we humans consume.
Every product we put in our mouths represents another being that gives up its life to nourish our bodies… be it animal, plant, yogurt, whatever.
The very soil sustaining the plants which feed us and our livestock is composed of decomposed plant material, animals, and yes human bodies also.
You may be grossed out by that thought.
Or, you could perceive it as a miracle, and accept those gifts with gratitude.
Your choice.
LISTEN to The Old Lady!

Life in the Valley

The Old Lady took a walk down a rural lane squeezed between numerous ponds, watching out for snakes on the move; she carried a staff in case defensive action became necessary.
The phrase about walking through the valley of the shadow of death echoed in her mind, and as she walked she considered that her entire life’s journey has been a walk through that valley.
It wasn’t just the crisis points; it was every step of the way.
Fear not.
LISTEN to The Old Lady!