Lorenzo’s Rules: Lord of the Ninth Underworld

Lorenzos Rules

An old friend of the Old Lady has just published a novel titled Lorenzo’s Rules: Lord of the Ninth Underworld.

All bias aside (Stewart Stearns is a really nice guy; read his bio on the book jacket below), the Old Lady highly recommends his work of historical fiction.Lorenzos Rules image

The Old Lady loves a good read, and this is a gripping story.
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The Old Lady loves learning stuff, and this book is rich with information about ancient Mayan religious beliefs and practices as well as about Guatemala, its people, and its history. If you read the bio you’ll see that Stewart has the cred to write accurately about all that based on his personal experience.

The Old Lady loves people who care, and as you can also read for yourself below Stewart is using proceeds from the book to “… benefit human rights organizations currently operating in Guatemala.” Classy move.

Find the book on Amazon.Lorenzos Rules back

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