This blimp is dedicated to Mother
This blimp is dedicated to Mother

The Old Lady saw a blimp!

She has always loved blimps, ever since she was just a Little Girl.  Back then there was only one blimp, the Goodyear blimp, and it occasionally visited Atlanta where the Little Girl grew up.  The Little Girl’s Mother loved blimps, too, and whenever they would spot the Goodyear blimp high in the Atlanta skies Mother would give chase in the family’s station wagon.

Such excitement, such merriment!  The station wagon barreling through the neighborhoods, with the Little Girl and her siblings giggling and watching out the windows and shouting their guesses as to which way the blimp would turn next!  Mother would forget the grocery shopping or the music lessons or wherever they had been headed as she pursued the elusive airship!
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One time Mother managed to keep the blimp in sight until she ran it to ground, so to speak: it finally landed at what used to be called Fulton County Airport.  She parked in the airport lot and she and her little ones ran out on the field (no security then) to where the blimp was tethered by its nose to a metal pole.  They met the pilot, and learned that a blimp on the ground sits on one fat wheel which is situated perpendicular to the blimp so that the wind can push the blimp in a circle around the anchoring pole.  As they chatted with the pilot the blimp, pushed by a gentle breeze, would sneak up silently on its rubber wheel behind the pilot and nudge him gently.  The Little Girl found this inexpressibly charming.

What a blessing, to have a Mother who loved blimps!


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